Me working on the train. (photo: Reed Sandridge)
I’m sitting on an Amtrak train coming back from NYC. There is no other city like it in the world. I’m not sure I would want to live full time there, but I do love this city. It is so chock full of interesting people, stores, restaurants, buildings, etc. I don’t know how it doesn’t just collapse as it seems that the entire city is built on top of an enormous subway network carved out of Swiss cheese. And it seems to all work. Most trains seem to come by every 3-5 minutes. In DC it’s not uncommon to wait 15 minutes for your train.

Fog rolls into Manhattan. (photo: Reed Sandridge)
Anyway, I had some meetings up in the Big Apple…so I didn’t spend any time working on the book or helping Anthony since I arrived yesterday. I had five meetings which kept me quite busy – but I did have a little downtime. Here’s what I filled my day with:
Visited the Marble Collegiate Church where nearly 7,000 yellow ribbons hang in honor of the fallen US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are also green ribbons for the Iraqis and Afghans who have died in conflict.
Walked 60 blocks of Broadway – I did a lot of walking there yesterday. My FitBit recorded 23,059 steps – or nearly 11 miles!
Took a few minutes to take in the skyline from the 48th floor where one of my meetings was.
Discovered PAX Wholesome Foods – thumbs up!
Stopped by the Spice Corner – my favorite store for Indian ingredients.

Photo: Reed Sandridge
Got on the Brooklyn bound subway when I was trying to go uptown.
Met up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a year and a half.
And made it to the train station in time to catch an earlier train home. Life is good!

Fallen soldiers at Marble Collegiate Church. (Photo: Reed Sandridge)

The obligatory Times Square photo. (photo: Reed Sandridge)

View from my friend Amy’s apartment overlooking Central Park. (Photo: Reed Sandridge)