Tag Archives: anniversaries

Time to celebrate

Anthony is celebrating four years of housing tonight. As we’ve done the three previous years, we’re celebrating tonight at Rumors – it’s actually now called District Anchor. And not only are we celebrating the fact that Anthony has had a safe place to sleep and keep his belongings for the past four years, but it’s also his 60th birthday! Ok, so it’s actually Saturday, but we’re celebrating tonight.

Anthony turns 60 on July 29th.

If you are in the DC area, please stop by. We’ll be there from 5-8 and possibly later. It always draws an eclectic crowd. Even people who hardly know Anthony but have been touched by his story often stop by. It’s beautiful to watch.

If you are following along from some other part of the world, but want to wish Anthony well, please feel free to leave a comment here and I’ll be sure to pass the message along.

I’ll post some photos from the event later this week.

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Celebrating One Year of Housing

It was a little more than 18 months ago that Anthony and I were meeting at Au Bon Pain on 19th Street. It was one of our regular biweekly meetings that we have. I had asked him during the previous get-together to think about where he wanted to be in one year or five years. “Don’t answer me now,” I told him. “Think about it and we’ll talk about it when we meet next time.”

Anthony and me on Nov. 27, 2012 when we started on our journey to get Anthony housing.

Anthony and me on Nov. 27, 2012 when we started on our journey to get Anthony housing.

Two weeks went by. We sat down at our usual table; Anthony carefully accommodating the multiple bags of personal items that lugged around with him all day long. Before we had even taken the first bite of our lunch, Anthony said that he had been thinking about what we talked about the previous week.

“I’ve been out on the streets for too long. I’m 55 years Continue reading

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Week 10 Update

Before I get started today, just a note to let you know that I have added some ad banners on the blog. Yep, there’s one just above where you’re reading now and another one over on the menu to the right. All proceeds go to help support the Anthony&Me project. If you see an ad that interests you, I encourage you to click on it as each click results in micro-revenue for the project. Thank you for your support!!


Anthony and me at Starbucks this morning

Anthony and I met up this morning for our bi-weekly meeting. First we went over to a doctor’s visit that he had. It seems that his blood pressure is getting more stable although it is still considerably higher than what the doctor would like.

We then headed across the street to the Whole Foods for lunch. We circled the hot and cold food bars surveying the various offerings until we both honed in on our prey. I made Continue reading

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